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How to Program a 2010 Mazda B-Series Keyless Entry Remote Key Fob - KeyLessCanada : Instructions

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How to Program a 2010 Mazda B-Series Keyless Entry Remote Key Fob


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Step-by-Step Programming Instructions:

1. Begin by closing all doors. Next, open the driver’s door and press the UNLOCK button on the driver’s door panel while the door is open. Insert the key into the ignition.

2. Turn the ignition from OFF to Run a total of 8 times within 10 seconds, ensuring that the 8th turn ends in the RUN position. The door locks will cycle to confirm that you’ve entered programming mode.

3. Within 20 seconds of entering programming mode, press any button on the first keyless remote. The door locks will cycle again to confirm that the first remote has been successfully programmed.

4. Within 20 seconds of programming the first remote, press any button on the second keyless remote. Once again, the door locks will cycle to confirm the successful programming of the second remote.

5. Finally, turn the ignition to OFF. The locks will cycle one more time to indicate the end of the programming mode.

Click Hereto purchase Auto Keys, Fobs, Remotes, Shell/Cases & Related products for 2010 Mazda B Series

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