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How to Program a 2008 Subaru Legacy Keyless Entry Remote Key Fob - KeyLessCanada : Instructions

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How to Program a 2008 Subaru Legacy Keyless Entry Remote Key Fob


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Step-by-Step Programming Instructions:

NOTE: These instructions may appear complicated at first glance, but they are actually quite simple if you carefully read and understand them before beginning. Don’t worry if you don’t get it right the first time; you can repeat the process as many times as necessary.

1. Depending on the type of key/remote you have, you’ll need to either pop the back cover off with a bladed screwdriver (Separate Remote) or unscrew the back cover with a small Phillips screwdriver (Remote Head Key).

2. Locate the ID number inside the remote (write it down). It will be an 8-digit number. If there are two rows, use the one with NUMBERS only, NO LETTERS. For Separate Remote, this procedure will program your remote entirely. For Remote Head Key, THIS WILL ONLY PROGRAM THE REMOTE; you’ll need to have the key cut and transponder programmed to your car at the dealer for it to start.

3. Confirm all doors, including the trunk, are shut.

4. Get in the DRIVER’S seat and close the door (ensure all doors are shut), then proceed to step 5 immediately.

5. Turn the ignition from LOCK to ON 10 times; you have 15 seconds to do this. The vehicle will respond with the lights flashing and an audible tone emitted. This is to confirm the vehicle is in programming mode. If you don’t see the light or hear the noise, get out of the vehicle and start the process over.

6. OPEN then CLOSE the DRIVER’S side door; the noise will continue now to confirm the vehicle is still in programming mode.

7. Refer back to the 8-digit code. While you still hear the noise, on the DRIVER’S side door panel, press the LOCK button the number of times as the first digit. Once you’ve pressed it the correct number of times, press UNLOCK to go to the next digit. Do this for all 8 digits. Once you finish all 8 digits, PUSH THE UNLOCK BUTTON ONCE. For example, if the code was 12345678 (use your code; this is for example only), you would press LOCK once, then UNLOCK, LOCK twice, then UNLOCK, LOCK three times, then UNLOCK, and so on.

8. YOU NOW MUST DO STEP 7 AGAIN. Enter the 8-digit code on the DRIVER’S side door. Once you enter the 8th digit, you will hear a tone for 30 seconds.

9. If you have any additional remotes to program, you must repeat steps 5-8 for each additional remote. If you have no additional remotes, proceed to step 10.

10. REMOVE key. Programming is now complete.

Click Hereto purchase Auto Keys, Fobs, Remotes, Shell/Cases & Related products for 2008 Subaru Legacy

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