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How to Program a 1996 Oldsmobile Ninety Eight Keyless Entry Remote Key Fob - KeyLessCanada : Instructions

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How to Program a 1996 Oldsmobile Ninety Eight Keyless Entry Remote Key Fob


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Step-by-Step Programming Instructions:

1. Insert the key into the ignition and leave it in the OFF position.
2. Locate the Data Link Port. It can be found under the dash on the driver’s side. Make sure you identify pins 8 and 4. (Note: the port is wider at the top). Your OBDII port won’t have numbers, so use the provided diagram for reference.
3. Ensure there are metal contact pins in terminals 8 and 4. Connect terminal 8 to terminal 4 with a suitable jumper wire (keep the jumper wire connected throughout the programming procedure). Be sure you know which terminals are 8 and 4. The vehicle will respond by locking and unlocking the doors to signify entering programming mode.
4. Close the doors.
5. Turn the ignition to the ON position (as far as you can go without cranking the engine). The doors will lock.
6. Press and hold both the lock and unlock buttons together on the first remote to be programmed. After about 15 seconds, the vehicle will respond by locking and unlocking the doors. Release the buttons on the remote.
7. Within one minute, repeat the previous step on the remaining remotes to be programmed.
8. Remove the jumper wire applied to the OBDII Port.

Click Hereto purchase Auto Keys, Fobs, Remotes, Shell/Cases & Related products for 1996 Oldsmobile Ninety Eight

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