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How to Program a 2020 GMC Yukon Ignition Smart Chip Key Transponder - KeyLessCanada : Instructions

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How to Program a 2020 GMC Yukon Ignition Smart Chip Key Transponder


How to Program a 2020 GMC Yukon Ignition Smart Chip Key Transponder

Step by Step How to Programming Instructions:

If you possess two programmed working keys, utilize the following steps to program an additional key. Sentry Key Programming allows you to add new keys to the system if you have two valid sentry keys. Follow this procedure:
1. Cut the additional Sentry Key Transponder blank(s) to match the ignition switch lock cylinder keycode.
2. Insert the first valid key into the ignition switch and turn the ignition switch ON for at least 3 seconds but no longer than 15 seconds. Turn the ignition switch OFF and remove the first key.
3. Insert the second valid key and turn the ignition switch ON within 15 seconds. After ten seconds, a chime will sound, and the Theft Alarm Light will begin to flash. Turn the ignition switch OFF and remove the second key.
4. Insert a blank Sentry Key into the ignition switch and turn the ignition switch ON within 60 seconds. After 10 seconds, a single chime will sound. The Theft Alarm Light will stop flashing, turn on for 3 seconds, then turn off. The new Sentry Key has been programmed. Repeat this procedure to program up to 8 keys. If you do not have two programmed keys available, you will need to have a locksmith program two keys for you.

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