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How to Program a 2014 Mazda Miata Ignition Smart Key Fob - KeyLessCanada : Instructions

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How to Program a 2014 Mazda Miata Ignition Smart Key Fob


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Step-by-Step Programming Instructions:

Follow these steps to program the remote portion of your flip key:

1. Remove the key from the ignition.
2. Close all doors.
3. Open the driver’s door.
4. Perform the following steps within 24 seconds:
A. Turn the ignition switch ON and back to the LOCK position three times.
B. Close and open the driver’s door three times.
C. The door locks should lock and unlock automatically. If they do not, wait 40 seconds and repeat the procedure starting at step 1.
5. Press the UNLOCK button of each keyless remote to be programmed twice. The door locks should lock and unlock after each remote is programmed. If the door locks do not lock and unlock, proceed as follows:
A. Close and open the driver’s door once. The door should lock and unlock twice. If the door locks do not lock and unlock, start the procedure over with step 3.
6. Exit the vehicle and test the remote(s).

Follow these instructions to program the key portion of the flip key. The key blade must be cut to operate the ignition. You must have two already programmed keys to program a spare third key. Timing is critical to this procedure; please read through the entire procedure before attempting:

1. Insert one of the programmed transponder keys and turn the ignition to ON. Leave it on for at least one second (wait until the red key symbol in the instrument cluster goes out), then remove the key from the ignition.
2. Within 5 seconds, insert the second programmed key and turn the ignition to ON for at least one second but no more than 5 seconds, then remove the second key.
3. Within 10 seconds, insert the new key in the ignition and turn the ignition to ON. If you are successful, the red key symbol will illuminate then go out in about 1 second. If unsuccessful, the red key symbol will flash repeatedly to indicate an invalid key. Remove the key, wait one minute, and try again.

Note: Programming a smart key requires professional assistance and specialized equipment. Follow these steps:

1. Locate an automotive locksmith in your area using LocateALocksmith.com.
2. If your vehicle is still mobile, consider driving to the locksmith instead of having them come to you.
3. The locksmith will hook up specialized computer equipment to your vehicle to program the smart key remote fob.

Click Hereto purchase Auto Keys, Fobs, Remotes, Shell/Cases & Related products for 2014 Mazda Miata

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