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How to Program a 1998 Acura TL Ignition Smart Key Fob - KeyLessCanada : Instructions

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How to Program a 1998 Acura TL Ignition Smart Key Fob


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Step-by-Step Programming Instructions:

Note: Entering the programming mode cancels all learned keyless remotes, so none of the previously programmed remotes will work. You must reprogram all of the keyless remotes once you are in the programming mode. You must complete each step within 4 seconds of the previous step to keep the system from exiting the programming mode. You must program remotes within 10 seconds of each other.

1. Turn the ignition switch to ON (II).
2. Within 4 seconds, press the LOCK or UNLOCK button on one of the remotes. (An unprogrammed remote can be used for this step.)
3. Within 4 seconds, turn the ignition switch to LOCK (0) position.
4. Within 4 seconds, turn the ignition switch to ON (II).
5. Repeat steps 2, 3, and 4 two more times using the same keyless remote used in step 2.
6. Within 4 seconds, press the LOCK or UNLOCK button on the same remote. Make sure the power door locks cycle to confirm you are in programming mode.
7. Within 10 seconds, press the LOCK or UNLOCK button on the same remote.
8. Within 10 seconds, press the LOCK or UNLOCK button on all other remotes you want to program. Make sure door locks cycle after you push each remote button to confirm system has accepted the remote.
9. Turn the ignition switch to LOCK (0) to exit programming mode.
10. Test remote(s).

Click Hereto purchase Auto Keys, Fobs, Remotes, Shell/Cases & Related products for 1998 Acura TL

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