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How to Program a 2011 Chevrolet Camaro Ignition Smart Chip Key Transponder - KeyLessCanada : Instructions

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How to Program a 2011 Chevrolet Camaro Ignition Smart Chip Key Transponder


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Step-by-Step Programming Instructions:

These programming procedures are exclusively suitable for vehicles manufactured in the USA. If you find yourself without any working keys and need to program a new one, it’s recommended to seek assistance from a locksmith. Follow these steps:

1. Locate an automotive locksmith in your area using LocateALocksmith.com.
2. If your vehicle is still operational, consider driving to the locksmith instead of having them come to you, which may save you money.
3. The locksmith will then utilize specialized computer equipment to program the smart key remote fob for your vehicle.

If you wish to program a duplicate key for this vehicle, follow these instructions after having the new key cut by a locksmith or other qualified individual:

1. Insert an existing programmed working key into the ignition cylinder.
2. Turn the ignition to the ON position for 5 seconds, then back to the OFF position.
3. Remove the existing key, and within 5 seconds, insert the new key and turn it to the ON position for 5 seconds.
4. Turn the key OFF, then back to ON. The key is now programmed. Start the vehicle to test the key.

Click Hereto purchase Auto Keys, Fobs, Remotes, Shell/Cases & Related products for 2011 Chevrolet Camaro

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