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How to Program a 2021 Ford Bronco Ignition Smart Chip Key Transponder - KeyLessCanada : Instructions

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How to Program a 2021 Ford Bronco Ignition Smart Chip Key Transponder


How to Program a 2021 Ford Bronco Ignition Smart Chip Key Transponder

Step by Step How to Programming Instructions:

1. Start by ensuring you have your master Toyota key (black key) available.
2. Insert the black programmed key into the ignition.
3. Within 15 seconds of inserting the key, press and release the accelerator pedal five times.
4. Within 20 seconds of completing step 2, press and release the brake pedal six times.
5. Remove the black key from the ignition switch.
6. Insert the new unprogrammed key into the ignition within 10 seconds of removing the black key.
7. Press and release the accelerator pedal once within 10 seconds of inserting the new key.
8. If performed correctly, the immobilizer warning lamp will begin to flash. After one minute, the lamp will stop flashing. Within 10 seconds of this, you have the opportunity to insert an additional key for programming.
9. Within 10 seconds of inserting the key, press and release the accelerator pedal once. The immobilizer warning lamp will flash and then shut off after one minute.

For lost keys or if the vehicle is not onboard programmable:
1. Find an automotive locksmith in your area using LocateALocksmith.com.
2. If your vehicle is still mobile, consider driving to the locksmith to potentially save money.
3. The locksmith will use specialized computer equipment to program the ignition key fob to your vehicle.

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