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How to Program a 2009 Mitsubishi Outlander Ignition Chip Key Transponder - KeyLessCanada : Instructions

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How to Program a 2009 Mitsubishi Outlander Ignition Chip Key Transponder


How to Program a 2009 Mitsubishi Outlander Ignition Chip Key Transponder

Step by Step How to Programming Instructions:

For US-built Canyons without chip key transponder systems, no programming is necessary for ignition keys. If you lose all keys for this vehicle, you’ll need to contact a locksmith to create a new ignition key.

For Canadian-built Canyons equipped with chip keys, follow these instructions to program additional keys:

Canadian Owners:
If your keys are lost or damaged, only a locksmith or dealership can service the theft-deterrent system to make new ones. You’ll need two current driver’s keys to program additional ones.

To program a new key:
1. Ensure the new key has “PK3+” stamped on it.
2. Insert the current driver’s key into the ignition and start the engine. If the engine doesn’t start, seek service from your dealer/retailer.
3. After the engine starts, turn the key to LOCK/OFF and remove it.
4. Insert the second current driver’s key into the ignition and start the engine within seconds of removing the previous key. Again, seek service if the engine doesn’t start.
5. After the engine starts, turn the key to LOCK/OFF and remove it. Insert the key to be programmed and turn it to ON/RUN within seconds of removing the previous key. The security light turns off once the key is programmed.
6. Repeat Steps 1 through 5 for additional keys. If the security light comes on and stays on while driving, the engine will restart if you turn it off. However, the theft-deterrent system isn’t functioning properly and must be serviced by your dealer/retailer.

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