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How to Program a 2006 Mazda MPV Ignition Chip Key Transponder - KeyLessCanada : Instructions

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How to Program a 2006 Mazda MPV Ignition Chip Key Transponder


How to Program a 2006 Mazda MPV Ignition Chip Key Transponder

Step by Step How to Programming Instructions:

Highlander with Standard Chip Key:

1. Enter the vehicle and ensure all doors are closed.
2. Insert the master Toyota key into the ignition cylinder and remove it four times.
3. On the fifth insertion, leave the master key in the ignition cylinder.
4. Open and close the driver’s side door six times.
5. Remove the master key from the ignition cylinder.
6. Verify that the security light on the information display is solid, indicating that the car has entered programming mode.
7. Insert the new transponder chip key.
8. Observe the security light blinking for approximately 60 seconds.
9. When the security light goes out, your new key should be successfully programmed.
10. Remove the new key from the ignition cylinder.
11. To confirm that your new key can deactivate the anti-theft system, the security indicator light on the information display should disappear when inserting the properly programmed key into the ignition cylinder.
12. If programming is unsuccessful, start over at step 1.

If your Highlander has Push Button Start Ignition:

Unfortunately, it is not onboard programmable and requires specialized equipment or a qualified professional to program smart key remote fobs. Your options are:

1. Locate an automotive locksmith in your area by visiting LocateALocksmith.com.
2. If your Highlander has push button start ignition… (the continuation seems to be cut off, could you provide it?)

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