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How to Program a 2001 Dodge Grand Caravan Ignition Chip Key Transponder - KeyLessCanada : Instructions

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How to Program a 2001 Dodge Grand Caravan Ignition Chip Key Transponder


How to Program a 2001 Dodge Grand Caravan Ignition Chip Key Transponder

Step by Step How to Programming Instructions:

Note: To add a spare chip key, the following programming procedure requires two already programmed transponder chip keys. If your vehicle has a Flip Key, this will only program the key portion.

1. Insert the first programmed chip key into the ignition and turn the ignition from OFF to ON (do not start) for at least 1 second, then turn back to the OFF position.

2. Within 5 seconds, insert the second programmed chip key into the ignition and turn the ignition from OFF to ON (do not start) for at least 1 second, then back to OFF.

3. Within 10 seconds of turning the ignition to OFF, insert the new chip key into the ignition and turn the ignition from OFF to ON (do not start) for at least 1 second, then back to the OFF position. The theft indicator light should go on for 3 seconds, after which the key will start the vehicle. To add additional chip keys, repeat steps 1 to 3.

Visit [Keyless Canada](https://keylesscanada.com) for key fob programming instructions.

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