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How to Program a 1998 Lincoln Mark VIII Ignition Chip Key Transponder - KeyLessCanada : Instructions

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How to Program a 1998 Lincoln Mark VIII Ignition Chip Key Transponder


How to Program a 1998 Lincoln Mark VIII Ignition Chip Key Transponder

Step by Step How to Programming Instructions:

Can I program a new key myself if I have no working keys?

No, here are your options:

1. Preferred Option: Contact a mobile Automotive Locksmith to come to your vehicle and originate a new key. The Locksmith will then have to connect a special computer to your vehicle to program the new key.
2. Tow your vehicle to a Dealership, and they will originate a new key. The Dealership will then have to connect a special computer to your vehicle to program the new key.

Can I program a second key myself if I have one working key?

No, here are your options:

1. Preferred Option: Call or visit an Automotive Locksmith, and they will have to connect a special computer to your vehicle to program the second key.
2. Go to a Dealership, and they will have to connect a special computer to your vehicle to program the second key.

Can I program a third key myself if I have two working keys?

Yes, once you have had the new key cut by a Locksmith, use the following instructions:

1. Insert an existing working key into the ignition cylinder.
2. Turn the ignition cylinder to ON (RUN) and back to OFF.
3. Remove the existing working key and, within five seconds, insert a second working key and turn it to ON (RUN), then back OFF.
4. Remove the second working key and insert the new key before ten seconds have elapsed and turn it to ON (RUN). Leave it on for one second and turn back to OFF.
5. The security light will light up for three seconds to indicate that the new key has been successfully programmed.
6. Once the key has been successfully programmed, do not remove the key from the ignition. The key must be left in the cylinder for 10 minutes before the programming procedure is complete. If you attempt to start the vehicle or remove the key before 10 minutes, you will have to restart the entire procedure from the beginning. This would be a good time for a cup of coffee.

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