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How to Program a 1993 Nissan Pathfinder Ignition Smart Key Fob - KeyLessCanada : Instructions

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How to Program a 1993 Nissan Pathfinder Ignition Smart Key Fob


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Step-by-Step Programming Instructions:

The Nissan system can store up to four different remotes. If a fifth remote is added, the first remote will be removed from memory, as only the last four programmed remotes are retained. Whenever programming the system, all remotes intended for use should be re-programmed to prevent unintentional removal.

1. Locate the electronic module (situated under the driver’s seat on the right side).
2. Beneath the center of the Nissan label on the module’s top, there is a 7/8″ hole. Rub over the label to find the hole. Use your finger or a pointed object like a pencil eraser to puncture the label. Inside the hole is a square yellow button, which is the programming button.
3. Cycle the ignition key to ON and then back to OFF. Press and hold the programming button.
The siren will emit four single introduction tones followed by a five-tone burst. Release the programming button. The siren will now emit single prompting tones at one-second intervals.
Each prompting tone indicates an opportunity to program a remote. After any prompting tone, press the large (arm/disarm) button of a remote.
The siren will immediately emit a confirmation tone.
Wait for another prompting tone and press the large button of another remote. Repeat this process until all transmitters intended for use with the vehicle have been learned.
4. Turn the ignition key ON and then OFF to exit programming mode.
5. Test the remotes and cover the hole on top of the electronic module with tape.

Click Hereto purchase Auto Keys, Fobs, Remotes, Shell/Cases & Related products for 1993 Nissan Pathfinder

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